Saturday, March 20, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Well I haven't posted anything in ages because there's been nothing to post.

Until now I guess.

I had basically quit working out. with the exception of Sundays which I always did.. for about 3 weeks. I started a new job that I found tiring and just couldn't seem to find the time to work out at all. I also went on a huge eating binge.

Not helping the situation was a diagnosis of laryngitis by my doctor. I had had a cold around the beginning of February that caused me to lose my voice for a few days. I didn't think much about it because I seem to get laryngitis every year. Finally, near the end of February I went and saw my doctor for a refill on the plethora of prescriptions I have to take daily and just mentioned that I was still getting hoarse at times. He told me that I did have laryngitis and that if I didn't shut up I was likely to develop nodules on my vocal chords which would then require either surgery or voice therapy. He told me to talk as little as possible for a week, and if I was still having problems to see him again and he'd take me off work for a week. Needless to say, as someone who works in a school, with kids, and uses their voice constantly.. I was not impressed. But like a good girl I walked around home and work with a mini whiteboard for a week and didn't talk. I still get hoarse from time to time but it's not bad enough that I'm going to see my doctor. To heck with taking a week off work! I need the money! 

Unfortunately, I found out that having to write everything you want to say down is extremely frustrating and exhausting. I'd come home from work every day and just pass out. There was no exercising done.

I've started to get back into it and back into it quite seriously though. I'm now doing an hour a day on the elliptical and burning 500 calories a day with that. I tried getting up at 5am and doing one workout then and one at 4pm but it's proven to be too much for my legs. But I'm enjoying it. I just work out on the elliptical from 4pm-5pm while I watch Golden Girls and the time just flies by. It's also nice to have a set time to do it because I'm an extremely routine based person. I'm like an old fuddy duddy, if my routines get messed up I get MAD.

I've also started to very strictly watch what I'm eating. There's no more inbetween meal snacks of chips or crackers. I've avoided eating anything in the staff room at work. Our staff room is always PILED with food. Cakes, cookies, doughnuts, veggies, fruit, crackers.. you name it! But, I've been really good and avoiding eating any of it. If I get hungry, I'm reaching for a banana. If I really want a snack like popcorn then I have to decide if it's really worth getting back on the elliptical for. Usually I'm smart enough to go "Hell no! Had enough of that for the day!" and not eat it. So, so far it's been working well and I'm not finding it that incredibly difficult to be disciplined. I love fruit and veggies so I'm making them the main portion of my meals and avoiding eating a lot of processed foods and pasta. 

I haven't noticed any weight loss and I just did some measurements for shits and giggles and they haven't changed. Not surprised considering this new way of life is only a few days old. 

I have however been getting a lot of compliments on my weight lately. I've had 4 people this week ask me if I've lost weight as they think my waist is getting smaller. I wish! 

What it really is is that I finally went out and bought some new clothes this month. I decided that screw it, I'm working and I never buy myself new clothes so I went a little wild. I attacked Ricki's like a starving naked child and bought almost one of everything they had! I was just there on Wednesday and bought 12 shirts and 3 necklaces for $212! What a steal! I only paid full price for 3 things, the rest were on clearance. I got this gorgeous sweater which was regular $70 for $5! They'd marked it down a few times and then put it on the clearance rack for $9.99. Ricki's then always takes 50% off their last marked price so I got it for $5. I LOVE IT!

I think that's a huge portion of why people have been asking if I've lost weight. I haven't lost weight but I've gained some confidence again. I've got a really nice new haircut which I love, and beautiful new clothes that I love. I'm feeling sexy and more like myself than I have in years. I'm starting to feel like I'm a human being again and that I belong in this world and should be out having some fun! The past couple of years have been very tough and socially, I don't go out more than about 3 times a year. I just don't really have many friends. It really got me down and I think my whole aura showed that. Now, with new clothes, new hair and a whole new attitude, I think people can see it and I'm coming across a lot better.

I feel amazing! I feel like for the first time in probably 5-7 years, I can walk with my head held high. I may not be the most attractive person out there but dangit I feel amazing and cute! And once I lose a good 80 pounds I'll be even cuter lol. Maybe I'll even find me a man. This being single for 6 years stuff sucks. I haven't even had anybody interested in dating me for 6 years. Ugh. But, hopefully with some new confidence and weight loss that will change!

I feel like the old Kat is back and it feels amazing :)

1 comment:

Dano said...

Yaaay! I'm glad to hear the old Kat is back. You may only be starting to feel sexy now, but some of us knew you were from day 1.


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